They are ready by a strategy of gradually repeated dilution and shaking; a course of which makes them capable of stimulating the physique’s own protection system. Thus the homeopathic remedy works in accordance and in harmony with the system’s defense functioning that is in an analogous (omoio in Greek) means without violating it or changing its authentic structure in any method. Its origin as a form of remedy comes from the traditional Greek times when Hippocrates first formulated the basics of his philosophy. However as an organized system of drug therapeutics was elaborated by Dr. Samuel Christian Hahnemann ( ) who developed in practice the original precept of ‘Similia Similibus Curentur’ or ‘Like cures Like’ by testing more than a hundred treatments on himself.
Symptoms and physical findings graded in accordance with the extent of importance and severity are cross-referenced using either print or computerized variations of the repertory. This analysis yields an inventory of cures whose toxicological footage closely correspond to the case introduced.
In this study a rotenone-induced rat mannequin of PD was used to understand the neuroprotective potential of Lycopodium (Lyc) a generally-used potent natural medicine. Immunohistochemcial data showed that rotenone injections considerably increased the lack of …